Moogfest 2016 = FAIL

Moogfest 2016 = FAIL

So, Moogfest. Durham 2016. For weeks we’ve heard how DJ Lance from Yo Gabba Gabby was going to be in town for a free show. YAY! right? Not so much. That’s him getting the big “thumbs down” and my two very disappointed children as they suffered through the unlistenable shrieking noise made by Lance, the guy from Negativland (yeah, the obscene Kasey Kasem oddity band) and the original singer from CAN. Dear Moogfest, if you bring in a kids show host at 1 in the afternoon, have him do kids stuff, ok? Shortly after this photo was taken, the shrieking noise reached a pitch and volume that almost all the parents took their kids away.


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